Promote Literacy For Peace- Enchant’s Dream Of Raising More Donations In 2020
Small charities can spread millions of smiles around us- You expect the change but are you utilizing yourself to be the change? Today, we are going to share an inspiring experience of Enchant that will not only surprise you but will motivate you to join our team.
Revealing the true meaning of this phrase “Charity begins at home” unlocked my thoughts and inspired me. As we all have heard from our ancestors- happiness is not limited to an individual’s life but it has a lot to do with humanity.
This might be surprising for all of you to believe but this enthusiastic idea showed us a beam of light. As a result of it, we took an initiative to develop a startup that has a strong foundation at its back. It was not a normal track but we visioned to follow a revolutionary path. A path that makes us believe in excellence through improving the literacy rate for all.
All things are possible if you have a strong faith and a good cause and it gets better when you start implementing baby steps. Yearly, Enchant puts in great effort to increase donations by selling distinctive goods at its online store.
It is affiliated with the non-profit organization called “NAACP”, who work devotedly to improve the literacy rate, promoting equality, and minimizing crime activities in society.
Due to COVID19, most of the families have suffered and are still living up to survive. Showing compassion and kindness in this tough time can lead us to keep things smooth.
Aiming Higher By Donating Books- Reading Awareness Year
All over the world, #UN Day is celebrated to encourage people to stand together under the umbrella of change. Keeping respect in heart for all, we are uplifting entrepreneurship that can do social good.
Our generosity would transform someone’s life and in this regard, we are utilizing our donations for the social causes that may address several issues at different times.
Improvement in education is a vital key that would have a great impact. Moreover, we are promoting the idea to improve the literacy rate by introducing reading awareness week.
Our future endeavors planned for this cause is to lead youth to donate books to the one who doesn’t have enough resources to buy. Besides, social platforms are handy in spreading words about this cause. Use them wisely to strengthen this idea and do best for a bright future.
Purchase Goods To Prosper Communities
To us, peace is to spread smiles by fulfilling the needs of others. Enchant will continue its effort by making attractive and useful products to multiply donations. We are doing what we love and would ask all to think about the power of charity.
Enchant is practicing to bring big changes that can inspire the thinking perception of the buyers. Therefore, we are lighting up a hope that would ignite the heart of millions of people. Once you make a purchase will feel light and satisfied from inside.
In the end, we would wrap our thoughts by quoting “Love and help humanity” by showing support to each other.